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This is not your average coaching!

Have you ever thought about how cool would it be if someone could tell you all your biggest leaks in your game? Learn about all the stuff that costs you the most EV? Such magic sounds too good to be true?

Well I have good news for you! That is exactly what I do. Instead of slow and ineffective browsing through a single tournament hand history or explaining a specific hand, I am able to quickly go through a large sample of your hands and find the biggest repetitive leaks in your game and give you examples and explanation on how to fix those leaks.

I coach even regs who regularly play in online  $530, $1k, $2k or even $5k and $10k tournaments. I have coached dozens of other coaches as well as doing database reviews for stables like Pocarr,Three Amigos Staking and couple smaller ones.


Here's just a tiny taste of some of the feedback I've received from successful highstakes regs:


Testimonial from Roman Hrabec
Testimonial from Eliot Hudon
Testimonial - BenATM.webp
Testimonial from Michael Sklenicka
Testimonial from Dannyz0r
Testimonial from Vlada2108
Testimonial from BBZ poker

Scroll down for more testimonials



I charge $400 per "hour"

Not an hour of my time but an hour of a custom review video that you will get. I typically spend 90-120 minutes on "1 hour" of the end product because I pause a lot when finding examples, running solves etc. So you are getting very condensed study material with much more information than what you could expect in a classic 1 hour voicecall.


When appropriate I sometimes throw in some extra theory videos free of charge that extend on certain topic I will be touching in the review itself.

Most reviews will be around 1-3 hours. I'd usually recommend the first one as at least 1,5h.

It depends on how many leaks you have and how much in depth you want to go. If you are not sure, you can send me your hands for free to quickly check and I can give you a suggestion based on that. (Or we can for example just start with preflop and extend it to postflop later).

Full Report

Warning - the longer reviews (3 or 4 hours) show a lot more things than you expect. 3 hour video is not made to just watch once for 3 hours, there will be lot of potential homework that you can get back to, compare your ranges, look into wrong played hands etc. Not for lazy people who don't like studying :)  It is basically a whole MTT masterclass, but it is tailored to your game so you don't waste hours of your time looking over stuff you already know in some generic poker course. And it is going to change your game a lot more than some poker course.

Digging Deeper

It is also possible to go into population stats and compare your game not just with GTO, but also with your averaged opponents, see what mistakes they are doing and find where it is reasonable to play exploitably and how.

Following db reviews (lot of players choose once a month db review or roughly every 40-120k hands) are usually fine being charged as 1 hour or 1,5 hour max, since hopefully there should not be that many leaks to talk about anymore.

Theory/Tools coaching and group coaching for stables on agreement.


All these players below - from micro semi-regs to highstakes crushers - received my database review (many of them repeatedly) and were happy with it. There are no paid shills, no friends vouching for me just because we are friends, no outdated stuff from 2015 or any other bullshit.

These are all real recent clients, most of them from last 6-12 months. Graphs (when available) are added to give a little more idea about what they play. (It's not supposed to show results before/after coaching.)


btw a lot of those players are returning clients, so it might show

testimonial from 2022 but they are often still clients in 2024.

I am just too lazy to change it and I update the site like once in 3 months max.

Priority on the coaching, not the website :)


  • ​Why should I get a database review coaching?
    It is by far the most effective form of 1on1 coaching and the fastest way to find your most costly leaks. To be honest there is not much of a reason to pay any coach huge amounts of money to go through the classic "tournament deeprun review" and tell you enlightening stuff like "uhhhm, yeah I would like bigger bet here...". There are so many tools available in 2024 that you don't need a coach for figuring out single spots.
  • How many hands do I need for a DB review?
    I usually recommend around 100 000 hands or last 3-6 months of play. I've done a review with as few as 15 000 hands and the client was happy but obviously it was a lower stakes player with more basic leaks. I've also done reviews from up to 500 000 hands. It is not a problem for me, I will get the stats build pretty quickly. It depends mostly on you. Do you feel you have changed your game significantly 3 months ago? Then maybe better to not send outdated hands from 6 months ago. Do you not play online very often and you don't do much of a studying? Maybe you can just send whole last 12 months. Obviously more hands mean I can focus more on some advanced stats.
  • Why are you better than other coaches who offer database review?
    I have spent more than 1 000 hours developing my advanced stats and pop-ups in Hand2Note. This is what I specialize in. I've had students who had previous database reviews from some very well known players, coaches from prestigious stables and coaching sites, often even charging double what I do. I don't want to mention any specific names, but you know them. And even if some of them are really great players and might make very high quality coaching videos, their database review skills are very very basic. Just bunch of default stats with no regard for stack sizes, bet sizes etc. So yeah if you don't raise enough on BTN they will probably find that out, but that is about it. Free tip: If your coach uses Holdem Manager or Poker Tracker for database review instead of Hand2Note, you are gonna get a shit database review.
  • How does it work, is there a voicecall and screenshare?
    None of that. I have found that this is not really so effective and puts unnecesary requirements on both of us having to find the right time, no breaks etc. Instead you will get a video recording from me where I go over your stats and hands, use various tools to explain theory, potential exploits etc. Huge advantage for you is that whenever I look through hands, wait for some sim etc. I can just pause the recording and not waste your time.
  • What sites are supported?
    Most sites that can save hand histories should work. Pokerstars, WPN, 888, Winamax, GG are all ok. Ipoker works in the original raw format but sometimes not if its PT4 export. There are some smaller sites that might work only if you record those HH using H2N.
  • At what stakes is this coaching targeted?
    Pretty much unlimited. I've worked with micro $5 ABI players for whom investing into this coaching was pretty significant, but one review helped them to turbocharge through their stakes, finding out leaks they were absolutely unaware of and probably would remain unaware for years. And I also did a lot of regs who battle in online $1050, $2100, even some $5k and $10k, playing Tritons on the live circuit etc. And every single one of them was happy with the review. The way this coaching works gives me an opportunity to coach even players who are going to be better than me on average, but I will still find some hidden leaks in their game that they are unaware of.
  • Do you offer database review for cashgames or sit and goes?
    I can do MTT SNGs, I've done some reviews on 18mans. It will however focus on the first few levels with deeper stacks. The endgame with a lot of push/fold and ICM is a job for something like HRC. I have no plans to offer cash game database reviews as that is a completely different format.
  • I run a poker stable and...
    And you haven't contacted me yet to do reviews of your horses? Do you not like money? You should fix that ASAP.
  • Do you offer other forms of coaching?
    I don't do stuff like reviews of tournaments, commenting a video from a session etc. because I don't find them very effective for the student. But I sometimes do some theory stuff for lower hourly rate and several hours at a time. Usually for lower/mid stakes players who already received database review so now we can focus more on some reasons behind different strategies and also comparing outputs of different preflop and postflop tools.
  • But how can data analysis like this be good when there are so many PKO tournaments and ICM effects?
    A lot of better regs were sceptical of my DB review at first and asking this specific question. And now you can read their happy testimonials if you scroll down a bit. Don't worry, I am well aware which stats are susceptible to be skewed because of bounties or ICM and I do the db review in a way that it doesn't matter much. To be honest ICM and PKO are both effects very often just used as excuses for bad play - "yeah I did it because there was a big bounty". And what I actually see quite often are mistakes done because of ICM/PKO which are actually even worse in ICM/PKO situations than they would be in chip ev. I don't follow stats numbers blindly, I do look at lot of individual hands for given spot and explain how would ICM or bounty implications change the play there.
  • This all sounds nice, but how I can be sure your coaching is really that good? I don't even see any photo with you winning a WSOP bracelet to prove your skill.
    My main selling point are my happy clients. To well known regulars I offer that payment can be done after the coaching and ONLY if they genuinely believe it was worth it. I am proud to say all these top regs always choose to pay and some of them were so happy they even added $100-250 as a tip. While I still play poker myself, you won't see me in the toughest stuff like online $10ks, even though I coach regs who play them. Unfortunately there are too many stupid poker regulations in my country that make it much harder to compete at the highest level so I decided to focus on coaching as an alternative to moving to different country.
  • I am a twitch streamer, can we cooperate?
    Sure, contact me. But all I offer is free/discounted high quality coaching for some good exposure. No paid shills or affiliate codes, just service for service.
  • How do you recommend to study poker?
    Scroll all the way down for more on that.

Study Tips

However effective my database reviews might be, you still need to put time into studying. If you can, it is always nice to have several tools, even just to compare different preflop charts.

For example GTObase uses minraises all the way until 50bb, which is not very standard, but a lot of players do just minraise, so it is interesting to compare how it changes things vs a more traditional 2,2-2,3x raise. BBZ charts do like some pretty big SB openraises, which is also interesting to compare. All kinds of iso, 3bet or 4bet sizings slightly vary across different tools and studying these differences can help you understand poker better.


There are bunch of other tools and I am sure at least some of them are fine, but I do have enough material for myself right now, so no reason to pay for 5 other similar products.

If you are a developer of something that you think I would like, you can hook me up with a free subscription, and I can mention it here also. But only if I actually like it, otherwise no promo :)



to your destination

GTO training tool that I have been using for the longest time is DTO. Carefully set up simple strategies solved to much higher accuracy than most competitors, which are easy to learn and reproduce. Preflop ranges (including ICM or mixed chip ev stacks), postflop browser and trainer (even with postflop ICM sims which most competitors don't have). Big advantage is that at the moment of writing this, nobody else (not even GTOW) has a library of 3way postflop sims. They also have very helpful discord server and you can try a limited postflop version for free users.

You can get 10% discount for DTO using my code G6DTO10.

Basically worse GTO Wizard with stupidly huge numbers of flop sizings and questionable accuracy of solves. A lot of high profile players shilled Odin (although mostly in the past tense, I haven't seen it mentioned much recently) but I don't see that many solid regs actually using it.

There are also some tools that I think are a less effective use of your valuable study time:

More stuff

I am an MTT coach at Pocarr, probably the largest poker stable in the world. I do long database reviews for their higher stakes and higher volume players, even including some other coaches.

If you are a smart hard working player looking for a staking opportunity and maybe get a free DB review from me as part of the deal, check them out. And tell them I sent you :)

I am also an MTT coach for Three Amigos Staking, (stable run by ChanceW, CrazyB15, and LBC.Boliver).

Pocarr Bio:

Vojtech "LlKE A G6" Cervinka is a professional player from Czech Republic, playing poker for over 10 years. He is an expert in very advanced database reviews for MTT players. Able to find important leaks in everyone's game he has many clients from low stakes players to crushers with millions of profit who play the highest online stakes. Vojtech is mostly working with our higher stakes players, helping them with both theory leaks and population exploits.

Last but not least I consult some MTT theory for GTO Wizard.

Testimonial from GTO Wizard poker
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